Dear customers,
FedEx & DHL are our official logistic partners.
FedEx International Priority® & DHL Express Worldwide are our most popular shipping service, with time-definite delivery to the EU, U.S. and around the world.
Delivery Times:
- Delivery typically in 1 to 5 working days.
(due to the new situation with the COVID-19 virus)
Service Days:
- Monday to Friday.
- Saturday service available in some countries
Delivery Area:
- More than 220 countries and territories
Depending on the quantity of certain products and the possibility of production, in line with our business policy, the expected time for production is up to 10 working days from the moment of registration payments.
Delivery time starts from the moment the status of your order is Sent Shipment!
Items for which demand is not as frequent as those in which the production process is more complicated, in his address can be expected a slightly longer delivery time. Also, if you have a need for a product which currently not in the offer, you can request it to be produced especially for you by sending your request to Answer about the possibility of production can be expected within 24 hours.
You do not have to worry about whether the product you want to have is on stock ord not. All that is on offer, we are able to deliver in accordance with the expected delivery period specified in the order. Offer and prices on our website are updated on a daily basis. You just have to select, order and wait for the courier for a couple of days at your door. The possibility of errors, unfortunately, we can not rule out. But if the same occurs no later than 24 hours you will be contacted by our sales and get the information of the error. Otherwise, the products ordered will be at your address in accordance with the terms of delivery.
The goods sent to the address will be charged according to the official price list of courier service you select when ordering (VAT included)!
During shipment, please in the presence of the courier visually check each package. If the shipment has a visible damage, you should not accept it. If you have received the shipment and after opening the box found that:
- You got a product that you did not order and is located on the invoice
- You got a product that you did not order and is not on the invoice
- You did not get the product you ordered and is on the invoice
- You got a product that was damaged
- You got a product that does not work
- You got a product that is subject to a warranty claim, and no warranty sheet
You are obliged to inform us about defect shipments within 24 hours of receipt by e-mail. Do not worry, in such cases, we will solve the problem to your satisfaction as soon as possible.